- 2023/7/11
- 2023/7/3Technical Tour (Option) page is updated.
- 2023/6/27Standard Registration starts.
- 2023/6/26Early Bird registration ends.
- 2023/6/1Early Bird registration period has been extended.
- 2023/4/18Early Bird Registration opens.
- 2023/4/7Sponsors pages updated.
- 2023/2/9
- 2023/2/2Full Paper for Review Submission Starts.
- 2023/1/12The deadline for abstract submission has been changed to January 27, 2023.
- 2022/11/16Abstract submission start.
- 2022/11/9WCFS2023 website opens.
The Great Wave by Katsushika Hokusai
His masterpiece among the Thirty-Six Views of Mount Fuji Printed 1830s, Edo Period
What's New
Key Dates
Contents | Key Dates |
Abstract Submission Starts | 1st December, 2022 |
Deadline for Abstract Submission | 27th January, 2023 |
Notification of Abstract Acceptance | 1st February, 2023 |
Full Paper for Review Submission Starts | 2nd February, 2023 |
Deadline for Full Paper for Review Submission | 10th April, 2023 |
Registration Starts ・Early Bird Registration ・Standard Registration ・Late Registration |
18th April, 2023 - 26th June, 2023 27th June, 2023 - 7th August, 2023 8th August, 2023 - 29th August, 2023 |
Notification of Full Paper for Review Acceptance Revised Paper Submission Starts |
8th May, 2023 |
Deadline for Revised Paper Submission | 23rd May, 2023 |
Registration Closes | 29th August, 2023 |
WCFS2023 Japan | 28th-29th August, 2023 |
We are inviting submissions of papers on the following topics.
Urban Planning | Sustainable Urban Planning, Floating City, Marine City, Waterfront Development, Landscape |
Architecture | Marine Architecture, Floating Architecture, Coastal Planning |
Climate Change and Disaster |
Sea Level Rise, Flood, Ice Sheet, Disaster Risk and Adaptation, Tsunami, Global Warming |
Low Carbon Energy |
Wave Power, OTEC, Offshore Wind, Solar Power on Ocean, Tide/Current Power, Hydrogen, Nuclear Energy, Algae Biofuel, Green Hydrogen Energy |
Technology / Innovation |
Floating Structure, Floating Airport, Floating pier, Floating breakwater, Mooring, Ocean Engineering, Harbor engineering, Construction and Management System, Autonomous Technologies, Digital Twins, Digital transformation |
Food | Marine Agriculture, Seaweed Farming, Fish Farming, Aquacultural Engineering |
Others | Marine Spatial Planning, Marine Resources, Marine Industry, Ocean Development, Social Impact, Marine Economy, Marine Ecology and Environment, Regulatory Frameworks, Marine Policy, Marine System, Other Relevant Subjects |

Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering Osaka University /
Hiroshima Institute of Technology /
Nagasaki Institute of Applied Science / PPP Research Center at Toyo University /
The Asia/Pacific chapter of World Association of Public-Private Partnership /
The Executive Board(Bureau) of the UNECE Public-Private Partnership Working Party /
The Japan Civil engineering Consultants Association /
The Oceanographic Society of Japan / The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers /
The University of Tokyo Ocean Alliance / Yokohama National University /
College of Science and Technology, Nihon University